Propeller Polishing

Polishing decreases the surface roughness of the propeller, benefiting the engine as well as the propeller shaft with reduced stress and less fuel consumption. Depending on our clients needs we can produce results up to Rupert Scale A using diamond pads with super fine abrasive sizes.


Areas of Experience

  • Underwater Repairs

    We offer a wide range of subsea engineering applications such as underwater welding, blanking seawater inlets, securing cracks and balancing damaged propellers.

  • Underwater Cleaning

    Our experienced divers use specially designed equipment able to clean every kind of fouling without damaging even the most delicate of the underwater coatings.

  • Underwater Surveys

    Photo and CCTV inspections to determine the condition of the hull with the latest equipment and experienced personnel. Atlantis Marine Services is an approved service provider for 9 IACS members.

  • Cable Laying & Protection

    Comprehensive know-how to support the needs of such projects with trained technicians and suitable utility boats.

  • Anchor Salvage & Recovery

    Using modern side-scan sonar we are able to survey the seabed for lost anchors and retrieve the lost item with our own Anchor Handling Tug in a small time frame. 

  • Above the Waterline

    Using Hydrojet we are able to clean above the waterline of a vessel in ballast condition even heavy fouling in less than 24 hours without damaging the coatings.